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Safety instructions for my tours!

Put on your shoes and let the hike begin! However, please read the following lines first!

sicher wandern

Safety advice

All the safety rules of mountain sports also apply to hiking and trekking! I will give you an overview of them below:


Pay attention to the weather forecast. check the terrain and your equipment.


An emergency kit with mobile phone, first aid kit, bivouac sack including whistle and ideally a headlamp is a must on every hike.

You can find an article on this here!

Don't forget to take an emergency bivouac with you. It consists of an emergency blanket that is cold-resistant, a whistle and a mini compass. It should be in your rucksack on every hike anyway.

As the old Scottish saying goes: "There's no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes!"


The main causes of accidents are often due to overestimation of one's own abilities. Therefore, start with very small hikes and increase slowly. Get to know your body and your own abilities.


You must know how to use a map and altimeter. If electronic devices fail, further orientation is only possible by analogue means. Tip: A GPS device is a useful aid, but not a substitute for a map!


Inform someone where you are going to be and when you plan to return. Make sure you have someone you can rely on!


You can find an article on this here!

"The sun also shines behind the clouds." Quote from Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Wander


Check online for possible changes before you start your tour. Use reputable sources of information. Contacting local tourist boards by phone is recommended. Also pay attention to signs and markings.


Observe the correct behaviour during thunderstorms!


It is a peculiarity that hiking trails at altitude are still peppered with steep snowfields, often until late summer. As a general rule, alarm bells should ring before entering a snow or firn field. A hiking trail that ends in a steep field of old snow can be reason enough to abort a tour. If you still want to continue, you should at least have internalised a few safety recommendations. To cross a snowfield, at least the upper ten centimetres of the snow cover should be softened so that you can actually set footsteps. Good mountain boots with spikes or, even better, crampons are also a prerequisite!

Also bear in mind the danger of unstable snow deposits and snow drifts (danger of falling or collapsing).

Crossing hard fields of old snow, especially in steep gullies, can be a great danger (risk of falling).


Less experienced hikers or mountain walkers should do any hiking or trekking accompanied by a mountain or hiking guide.


You must have the necessary physical condition. Keep in mind that more luggage is required for long tours.


Some tours lead into high alpine terrain in places. In addition to good equipment and close observation of the weather situation, alpine experience, fitness and surefootedness are basic requirements for an enjoyable and safe tour.


There may be exposed passages in places.


Before starting your tour, check the current water situation on your planned tour. No matter how clear the water is, it can still contain impurities, e.g. from animal excrement. As always, I would recommend using a water filter.


Make sure you have enough food for your tour!


When hiking, there can be different types of trails, such as level paths, steep climbs, uneven or rocky surfaces. Here are some possible changes that can occur when hiking:

Gradient or slope: The path may rise or fall. You may need to adjust your speed or increase or decrease your stride. You may also need to use your hands.

Surface: The surface may change. An uneven or rocky surface may require extra attention and caution when walking.

Obstacles: Along the way you may encounter obstacles such as fallen trees, rivers or rocks that you may have to overcome.

Weather conditions: Rain, snow or ice can make the path slippery and dangerous, requiring extra precautions.

Changes in the landscape: The trail can lead through wooded areas, meadows or rocks and thus place different demands on the hiker.

Navigation: It is possible to get lost on a trail or take a wrong turn, which can lead to additional difficulties.

Conversion: Due to local conversion work, there may be some significant changes to the route. Paths can become roads or trails can become mountain bike trails.


The legal conditions in the respective regions can change. Therefore, inform yourself thoroughly beforehand about what is allowed.


You can find an article on this here! Also note that not every tour is suitable for children.


You should have the emergency numbers for the respective region in your head and also stored in your mobile phone. The Alpine emergency number is 140, the Euro emergency number is 112.


Hiking on all my tours is at your own risk! No liability whatsoever is accepted for any changes, route changes or alpine hazards such as weather, avalanches, etc.). I would also like to point out that my articles may contain unintentional errors.


You can also find this at the Alpine Clubs: SicherAmBerg

Long-distance hiking trails in Europe: 90 routes, all countries

Wild & adventurous: these are the most beautiful long-distance hiking trails in Europe.

Finally, I would like to recommend a video from one of my tours:


Safety tips are an essential part of any outdoor activity, especially hiking. It is important that you are aware that each trail or hike can present different challenges. It is therefore important that you take into account your abilities and experience. Be adequately prepared before you set out on a trek, hike or long-distance walk. The safety tips are designed to help you minimise risk and avoid injury. If you want to have a safe and enjoyable hiking adventure, you should follow them.

As always, I would be very happy to receive feedback via one of my channels.

Also, feel free to leave me a comment here.


Hello, I am Christian, the chief globetrotter of this site and an enthusiastic adventurer, hiker and filmmaker. I love to explore new paths and inspire people with them, and I love to share my hiking knowledge with you! You can also find my videos on YouTube! On my blog you can find tips for beginners and professionals on the greatest and most beautiful hiking tours there are. I want to encourage people to explore the world as a hiker, whether in the countryside, through the forest or in the mountains. True to the motto: If you haven't hiked, you haven't seen the world,

On my blog, I also write about hiking gear, the right summit training and nature conservation, as well as tips and information about hiking.

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