If you want to go on a hike, then you need a certain basic equipment of hiking gear, so you can be safe and comfortable on the road. Which important hiking equipment belongs to it I have listed below. Tip: In my article you will also find a checklist for your next hike as a PDF file to check off.

1. Clothing
2. Other hiking equipment
3. Technique and orientation
4. Catering
5. Health and first aid
6. Miscellaneous
7. Filming equipment
8. PDF checklist for hiking
8. Packing list for hiking: Day hike
8. Conclusion
What do you need for hiking
Here I recommend the most important hiking equipment that I own, tested myself and also bought myself. With my equipment I pay a lot of attention to the weight and quality and price. The equipment should simply feel good on longer tours and also be light. The equipment for women I can recommend, because my wife uses this and is basically the same as that for men.
Attention: Please keep in mind that the hiking equipment is general and therefore you have to adapt it depending on the season and your needs!
Hiking boots
Hiking shorts
Long hiking pants
Functional shirt
Rain jacket
Functional underwear
Hiking socks
Other hiking equipment:
• Sun cap
• Bivouac
Hiking backback (approx. 60 litres or as required)
by EXPED - unfortunately not available on Amazon.
• Backback - Ospray (was my old one and is also good)
Technology and orientation:
• Compass
• Headlamp
• GPS device or GPS watch if necessary
• Binoculars if necessary
• Sweets to keep up morale :)
Health & first Aid:
• First Aid (small and light)
• Tape
• Bivouac
• Toilet paper
• Passport/Insurance certificate
• cash
• Gas cartridge
Film equipment:
• Camera
• Drone
• Tripod
• Clip
Packing list for hiking: Day Hike
Hiking shoes: sturdy, comfortable shoes with good grip and tread are essential for walking safely on uneven terrain.
Backpack: a backpack of the right size with padded straps and a waist belt is important to store all the items you need and distribute the weight evenly on your back.
Clothing: Clothing should be appropriate for the weather and climatic conditions. Breathable and weatherproof clothing is recommended.
Food: Sufficient water, snacks and food should be taken to provide the body with energy.
Navigation: a map, GPS device or cell phone app are important to find your way and not get off track.
First aid kit: a small kit with bandages, painkillers and blister plasters should always be with you.
Sunscreen: sunscreen, sunglasses and a head covering are important to protect yourself from the sun's rays.
Pocket knife: A small pocket knife can be helpful for many things, such as cutting fruit or repairing equipment.
Cell phone: Should always be with you, if only to get help.
Don't forget to take an emergency bivouac with you. It consists of an emergency blanket that is cold-resistant, a whistle and a mini compass. It should be in your rucksack on every hike anyway.
As the old Scottish saying goes: "There's no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes!"
Long-distance hiking trails in Europe: 90 routes, all countries
Wild & adventurous: these are the most beautiful long-distance hiking trails in Europe.
Promotional note: These product links are affiliate links. If you buy something through one of these links, I receive a small commission without you having to pay more. This is to keep my blog going and you are helping me with my project, for which I am very very grateful. Thank you very much!
PDF checklist for hiking
↓ please click to download ↓
This basic equipment is important to ensure a successful and safe hike. Depending on the length and difficulty of the hike, additional items such as trekking poles may be recommended. As always, I would be very happy to receive feedback via one of my channels.
You are also welcome to leave me a comment.

Hello, I am Christian, the chief globetrotter of this Site and an enthusiastic adventurer, hiker and filmmaker. I love to explore new paths and inspire people with them, and I love to share my hiking knowledge with you! You can also find my videos on YouTube! On my blog you can find tips for beginners and professionals on the greatest and most beautiful hiking tours there are. I want to encourage people to explore the world as a hiker, whether in the countryside, through the forest or in the mountains. True to the motto: If you haven't hiked, you haven't seen the world,
On my blog, I also write about hiking gear, the right summit training and nature conservation, as well as tips and information about hiking.